1 Ubaldo is Andreu, Andreuet, Ubaldinho, la Ubaldaçao. Ubaldo is an explorer, a traveler, a provocateur, but also an excellent nap-music dealer. Ubaldo trades textures with the same ease as he trades cities, instruments, moods, jokes. Andreu lives in the middle of a Bermuda Triangle composed by punk DIY activism, ambient echoes and Delta de l’Ebre swamp blues. Està tot molt mal, però millorarà.
2 Discography:
“SUD EGO” (2014)
“Santos beheaded at Floridablanca” (2015)
“La pèrdua de l'estat” (2017)
“Martinique Imaginaire” (2018)
“CASA” (2020)
“moment temporalment heretat” (2021)
Buy them at Ubaldo’s ︎ Bandcamp
3 Links:
︎ Instagram
︎ Spotify
︎ Bandcamp
︎ Youtube
︎ Write us
1 Ubaldo is Andreu, Andreuet, Ubaldinho, la Ubaldaçao. Ubaldo is an explorer, a traveler, a provocateur, but also an excellent nap-music dealer. Ubaldo trades textures with the same ease as he trades cities, instruments, moods, jokes. Andreu lives in the middle of a Bermuda Triangle composed by punk DIY activism, ambient echoes and Delta de l’Ebre swamp blues. Està tot molt mal, però millorarà.
2 Discography:
“SUD EGO” (2014)
“Santos beheaded at Floridablanca” (2015)
“La pèrdua de l'estat” (2017)
“Martinique Imaginaire” (2018)
“CASA” (2020)
“moment temporalment heretat” (2021)
Buy them at Ubaldo’s ︎ Bandcamp
3 Links:
︎ Spotify
︎ Bandcamp
︎ Youtube
︎ Write us